Saturday, February 6, 2010

Flash Looping Background 

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Have you ever seen those Flash Ads that have a moving background that is on a perpetual loop?  Like a plane flying through clouds, where the clouds loop continuously making the plane appear to be soaring through the sky. In this exercise we'll create a looping background as a superhero flies through the sky.

After you download the files open the FLA file. In the library we have four images. A smoke image, the superhero, and two different cloud images. So the first thing we'll do is create the moving cloud background. Rename Layer 1: Clouds. Then, drag Clouds.jpg over to the stage. We want the right edge of the Cloud image to be flush with the right edge of the stage. Open the Align panel and select Align right edge, Align top edge and select To stage:
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The cloud image should now be flush with the right edge of the stage.  Select this image and convert it to a Movie clip. Name it Clouds Movie:
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Hit OK and close. Double-click on this new Movie clip to enter its editing stage. Now we're going to make two copies of the cloud image for the background animation. Before we copy this cloud image we need to make it a graphic. Select the cloud image on the stage and go to Modify, Convert to Symbol; in the Convert to Symbol box select Graphic for Type and type Cloud Symbol for the Name. Hit OK when you're done.

The reason you convert images to graphics before you copy them, is because Flash only has to download the cloud graphic once and all of its copies will download instantly and won't add to the overall download size.

Select this cloud graphic and go to Edit, Copy. Select Edit, and Paste in Place. Click on this new copy and go to Modify, Transform, Flip Horizontal.

This will flip your picture. Drag this new symbol to the left. You'll want the right side of this copied symbol to line up with the left side of the original cloud image. Zoom in if you have to, to make sure all edges line up perfectly:
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Since we flipped the image horizontally the two symbols now connect seamlessly. Select the original cloud symbol and go to Edit, Copy. Next, go to Edit, Paste in Place

Drag this third symbol all the way left until its right edge lines up with the second symbol's left edge. You should now have a really wide cloud image made up of three copies of the Cloud Symbol:
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We're going to mark the right edge of the stage with the Ruler Tool. Go to View, Rulers:
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You should now see rulers at the top and to the left of the stage. Click-and-hold on the Ruler at the left; click-and-drag a Ruler line to the right until it's lined up with the right edge of the stage:
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Your line should now be lined up with the right edge of the stage. Create a new keyframe on frame 140 of Layer 1; you should now see the borders of the three images (they'll show up as blue lines):
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You may have to zoom out to 50%. Hold SHIFT down and click-and-hold on the right edge of the leftmost cloud; drag the entire cloud image to the right so that the right edge of the leftmost cloud image is flush with the ruler line. Your stage should now look like this:
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Select any frame between 1 and 140 and insert a Motion Tween. Test your movie by going to Control, Test Movie (Ctrl + Enter). The cloud animation should be seamless as it loops continuously. So now let's add the superhero!

Go back to Scene 1. Create a new layer and name it Superhero. Turn off the visibility of Layer 1 so we can see the stage:
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Drag the image flying.png to the center of the stage from the library:
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Select this new image and convert it to a Movie clip (Modify, Convert to Symbol). Name it Superhero. Hit OK when you're finished. Double-click on this Movie clip to enter its editing stage.  We're now going to animate the superhero. Create a keyframe on frame 200; now, select any frame between the two keyframes and insert a Motion Tween. Insert a keyframe on frame 100. Select the superhero on the stage and move him to the left side of the stage:
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If you want, you can drag him down slightly. So now we're going to add the propeller animation and the jetpack smoke. If we add these elements on this timeline we'll have to animate them so that they follow the superhero, which probably won't work. So the easy way to do it is to put these elements within the superhero symbol. Let's do that now.  Go to frame 1 and double-click on the superhero symbol on the stage. You should now be in its editing stage. 

Create a new layer and name it Propeller. Zoom into the stage about 800% or until you have a close view of the superhero's propeller:
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Click on the Eyedropper Tool:
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Click on the superhero's propeller:
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You should now have the propeller's color as the Fill color. Select the Rectangle Tool and turn off the Stroke color. Create a rectangle shape over the superhero's existing propeller:
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So now we're going to animate this propeller. Select this new shape and convert it to a Movie clip (Modify, Convert to Symbol). Name it Propeller Movie. When you're done double-click on this new Movie clip to enter its editing stage. Create a keyframe on frame 20; next, select any frame between the two keyframes and insert a Motion Tween

Now, select the first keyframe. Open the Properties panel. Change Rotate to CW and type 6 for times:
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If you grab your timeline needle and scrub the timeline you'll see that your propeller is now spinning. It should do 6 full rotations within the 20 frames. Click on the Back button above the timeline/stage:
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This will take you back to the superhero image stage. We'll now add the smoke to the superhero's jetpack. Create a new layer and name it Smoke. Next, drag smoke.png over to the stage. Position this image over the superhero's jetpack. Next, convert this image to a Movie clip (Modify, Convert to Symbol). Name this new Movie clip Smoke. Double-click this Movie clip to enter its editing stage.

Select the smoke image on the stage and convert it to a graphic (Modify, Convert to Symbol ). Name this new symbol Smoke Graphic and hit OK. We're converting this image to a graphic so we can add effects to it.

With this new symbol selected, open the Properties panel.  Change Color to Brightness and the percentage to -100%:
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The smoke symbol should now be darker:
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Select the smoke image and grab the Free Transform Tool:
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You should now see a bounding box surrounding your smoke image:
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Grab a corner of the bounding box, hold down SHIFT, and push inward until the smoke shrinks to about 30% of its size:
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Create a new keyframe on frame 40. Select any frame between 1 and 40 and insert a Motion Tween. Select frame 40 then select the smoke symbol on the stage. Select the Free Transform Tool and enlarge the smoke image about 400%:
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Drag this smoke image so that's completely off the stage on the right side:
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We now need to take down the alpha of this smoke image. Since we already have one effect on this smoke image (Brightness -100) we'll have to use the Advanced setting to apply another effect. Change Color to Advanced. Then, click on the Settings... button:
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In the Advanced Effect box take the Alpha down to 0:
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Hit OK. Your smoke image should now be transparent. If you play the timeline you'll see the smoke gradually get larger until it fades away. 

Create a new layer and name it Smoke 2. Create a keyframe on frame 10. Click on the name of the first layer: Layer 1. This will highlight all the frames of this layer:
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Next, go to Edit, Timeline, Copy Frames. This will copy all the frames of Layer 1. Select the keyframe on frame 10 of Smoke 2. Go to Edit, Timeline, Paste Frames. You should now have a copy of all the frames of Layer 1 on the layer Smoke 2:
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Create a new layer and name it Smoke 3. Create a keyframe on frame 15. Select this keyframe and go to Edit, Timeline, Paste Frames:
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Test the movie. The animation looks pretty good but the background clouds are a bit too dark; it's hard to see the propeller spinning and the smoke. We need to make the clouds less dark. 

Go back to Scene 1. Turn on the visibility for Layer 1. Select the cloud symbol on the stage. Open the Properties panel and change Color to Brightness and change the percentage to 39:
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We're now able to see the superhero much better. So we're almost done. We just need to add one more cloud element. Before we do that we need to turn the visibility off for Layer 1 so we can see the stage.
Create a new layer and name it Cloud. Make sure this layer is above the Superhero layer:
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Drag the image clouds.png from the library to the left of the stage:
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With this image still selected convert it to a Movie clip. Name it Cloud Foreground:
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Hit OK when you're done. Double-click on this new Movie clip to enter its editing stage. Grab the Free Transform Tool and enlarge your cloud about 100%:
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Let's make this cloud a little more blue and take the alpha down. Remember, if you want to add more than one effect you have to use the Advanced setting. Let's do that now. Before we can add the effects, however, we need to make this cloud a symbol. Convert this cloud image to a graphic and name it Cloud Graphic. Hit OK when you're finished.

With the new symbol still selected open the Properties panel. Change Color to Advanced and click on the Settings... button. Change the Alpha to 60% and increase the Blue to 122:
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Hit OK when you're finished. Now we're ready to animate the cloud. Create a keyframe on frame 30. Select any frame between the keyframes and insert a Motion Tween.  Next, drag the cloud symbol to the right until it's completely off the stage:
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Create a new layer and name it Cloud Copy. Create a keyframe on frame 100 of this new layer. Click on the Layer 1 name to highlight its frames; go to Edit, Timeline, Copy Frames. Select frame 100 of the Cloud Copy layer and go to Edit, Timeline, Paste Frames. Since this is a copy then we should try to alter it slightly. 

Select the Free Transform Tool and enlarge the cloud about 25%.  You may have to drag the cloud to the left to make sure that parts of the cloud aren't on the stage.

Open the Properties panel and click on the Settings... button. Take the Alpha down to 40%:

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Hit OK. Click on the second keyframe of this layer. Select the cloud symbol on the stage. Grab the Free Transform Tool and enlarge this symbol also. Drag it slightly right to make sure it's completely off the stage.
With this symbol selected click on the Settings... button in the Properties panel and change the Alpha to 40%. Since this cloud is a little larger it should be moving at a slightly different speed. Click the second keyframe of this layer; select this keyframe again and drag it to the right about 10 frames. 

Insert a frame on frame 200 of this layer. Test your movie.  Looks pretty good!  You can always tweak this animation by adding more smoke clouds,  slowing down the background cloud animation by lengthening the animation, and playing around with the superhero's flight path. Feel free to get creative!  

If you are interested in creating all sorts of Flash files, from headers to video games (without writing any code at all!) then go to our E-Book page.  Thousands of illustrations make learning Flash a breeze.